iTunes Dupe Killer VBscript here's a little script to remove those annoying itunes duplicates. just needs some modification such as your itunes directory... ----------------- Set objFSO = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("D:\iTunes") Set colSubFolders = objFolder.Subfolders 'get inside each artist's folder For Each objSubFolder in colSubFolders 'Wscript.Echo objSubFolder.Name 'once inside the folder do the following... Set colSubSubFolders = objSubFolder.Subfolders 'Get inside each album folder For Each objSubSubFolder in colSubSubFolders 'once inside do the following 'WScript.Echo vbtab & Set colMP3Files = objSubSubFolder.Files For Each objMP3File in colMP3Files 'Wscript.Echo vbtab & objMP3File.Name strCurrentMP3Name = objMP3File.Name For Each objMP3File2 in colMP3Files 'Wscript.Echo Left(strCurrentMP3Name, Len(strCurrentMP3Name)-4) & vbtab & Left(objMP3File2.Name, Len(objMP3File2.Name)-6) If UCase(Left(strCurrentMP3Name, Len(strCurrentMP3Name)-4)) = UCase(Left(objMP3File2.Name, Len(objMP3File2.Name)-6)) Then 'Wscript.Echo(UCase(strCurrentMp3Name & vbtab & objMP3File2.Name)) Wscript.Echo objMP3File2.Path objFSO.DeleteFile(objMP3File2.Path) End If Next Next Next Next